19 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Hayatta en acıklı şey, bir insanın problemin kendinden kaynaklandığını görememesidir.

Carl Gustav Jung

14 Nisan 2014 Pazartesi

Ben her zaman yaşlılar gibi olgun düşünen gençlere, gençler gibi neşeli olan yaşlılara hayranımdır. Zaten neşeli olanlar hiçbir zaman yaşlanmazlar.


11 Nisan 2014 Cuma

I was walking home one evening and came upon a clearly depressed man standing at the edge of a bridge, looking like he was about to jump. 
I called out to him to wait, and ran over to see what was the matter. 
"It's this country," he lamented. 
"It's falling into ruin and there's nothing I can do about it. 
The election was the last straw. I don't want to live on this planet anymore."

Well cheer up," I said. "We're all in this together. 
Say, are you a conservative, or a libertarian?"
"A libertarian," he said. "That's great!" I said. 
"See, you're not alone. Are you a free-market libertarian or a libertarian socialist?"
"Free-market libertarian," he said. "Me too!" I said. 
"Paleo-libertarian or neo-libertarian?" "Paleo-libertarian," he said. "Hey, so am I!" I said.
"Chicago or Austrian school of economics?" "Austrian," he said. "Me too," I said. 
"Hayek or Rothbardian strand?" "Rothbardian," he said. "Same here," I said.
"Are you a consequentialist or deontological libertarian?" "Consequentialist," he said.
So I said, "Die, statist scum!" and pushed him off the bridge.

10 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Bilir misiniz, üniversiteyi bitirdiğimiz zaman, hepimiz nasıl saçlı sakallı kocaman bebeklerdik. Bilemezsiniz. Anlatınca olmaz. Yaşamak diye bir problem yoktu bizim için. Böyle bir problem çözmedi asistanlar tatbikatlarda. Sonunda hepimizi kurtlar kaptı tabii. İnsan taklidi yaptığımız için, kurtlar bizi adam sandı.

Oğuz Atay